The Redesign Habit

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Obvious but Overlooked Ways to Find Your Home Interior Design Style

So what’s your design style? If your answer is “Um…you mean the design style that I would say is mine?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people are left baffled, muddled and befuddled when that question comes up. The good news is that by reading today’s blog you are certain to become non-baffled, de-muddled and un-befuddled if the style question pops up. More importantly, understanding your sense of style will serve you well, whether you’re redesigning one room in your home or doing a whole home makeover. It’s a critical element that will help you love where you live®!  

In previous blogs, I’ve given you advice to examine your closet, your jewelry or even your car or current furniture to help you understand and determine your style. Today I’ll cover some obvious but often overlooked tips to help you define and articulate your preferred home interior style. 

5 Tips to Help Define Your Design Style 

1. Walk around furniture stores. Yep, I know it seems obvious. However, when I’ve shared that suggestion before, it has sometimes led to major Aha! moments. Most furniture stores have various vignettes set up throughout the store, mockups of rooms representing different styles. Bring your phone. Take note of what you like and don’t like. This can be a great way to narrow your style sense. 

2. Check out hotels. If you find yourself staying in a hotel, take note of the things you like and don’t like in the room and public areas. Again, use your phone and capture the images and your thoughts.  Even if no hotel stays are in your future, go online to observe and note virtually.  

3. Check online home listings or visit open houses. I do this on the regular just because I think it’s fun to see all the different interior spaces and what trends are happening. I also use this tactic to get inspiration for different artwork I may like or other décor items I might turn into a project. It’s a great, fun way to help you determine your design style. You should know by now: use your phone to take photos (where it’s allowed) and make notes. 

4. Take note when visiting friends or family. Next time you’re visiting, take time to diligently check how you feel about the interior. The bonus is if you see something you really, really love, you can learn about it directly and personally. Did they create the style themselves? Did they hire someone? Was it affordable? Learn all the things.  

5. Check interior design magazines. This one is a bigduh,” right? I agree, but you’d be surprised  how many times I’ve made this suggestion and got a palm-to-forehead reaction. If you’re helping plan a wedding, you dig in to all the bride magazines on the planet searching for the perfect dress, the perfect decorations, or theme. The same can apply to planning your home style. Also, while you can access these magazines online and download or mark items you love, I find it to be very satisfying to thumb through the pages of an actual printed magazine. I know, I know…how Boomer of me, but sometimes real beats virtual. Plus you can tear out mag pages and create a real, not virtual, inspiration board. Makes sense since we live in real not virtual worlds. At least for the time being. 

On their face, these ideas may seem obvious, but I share them because I get feedback that they are helpful. I hope you try one or more and feel the same. 

Now, what will you do next to love where you live? 

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed. 

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