The Redesign Habit

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Tips for More Efficient Housecleaning

When it comes to cleaning, I will have to say, it’s not something I actually enjoy doing.  I know that there are some out there who LOVE to clean.  I, however, am not that person.  So over the years I have devised a plan to help make the cleaning process go as smoothly and quickly as possible.  Today, I am going to share some of those tips with you. 


Housecleaning Tips and Tricks


Make a plan.  For instance, I like to clean the upstairs and the downstairs in separate weeks.  We have a fairly large house and cleaning all of it in one day always feels overwhelming.  So before you actually begin, decide what rooms are being cleaned and when.  Then, make note of it and stick to it.

 Assemble your tools and products.  I like to use a caddy to hold all the cleaners, sponges, gloves, cleaning cloths etc.  It makes carrying it from room to room a much simpler task plus it helps me to know when I’m running low on something.  You can find caddies like this at about any discount store and of course, on Amazon. 

 Declutter and Put Away Out of Place Items.  Before you actually start cleaning a room, take a quick few minutes to pick up stray items and put them away where they belong.


Clean from the top of the room down.  If you are including using the vacuum or a duster to do ceiling fixtures, window trim, removing cobwebs from corners be sure and do this step first.  That way whatever dust falls down can be easily cleaned up as you work your way down the room and leaving the floors for last so you don’t miss anything.

 Make use of cleaning cloths, sponges and gloves.  You can find all of these in discount stores and even in the dollar stores.  This step will not only save you money but will do a better job for you and will protect your hands from harsh cleaners.  You can clean your sponges simply by running through the dishwasher and you can either wash out your cleaning cloths in the sink or in with a load of towels. 

 Share the joy.  If you have others who share your home with you, decide who will be responsible for what and how often.  You can make a simple chart to help remind them and if you want to you can reward the kiddos with something they love (maybe they get to choose dinner one night) as incentive.  For example, in our house, I’ve always done laundry.  My hubby always does trash (both emptying from the house as well as getting it to the curb).  Anyway, divide things up a bit and make your life a little easier.

 Develop some daily habits.  Try to rinse out sinks and wipe them and the countertops down daily.  Keep disinfecting wipes handy in all the baths and kitchens and quickly wipe down faucets, toilet handles etc. at the end of each day.  Pick up stray items scattered around once a day to prevent clutter from overrunning the entire house by the end of the week.   

Okay, I know this blog doesn’t do anything to make you like cleaning more but hopefully it will inspire you to develop some habits that will help you cut down on cleaning time and keep you from having to spend an entire day cleaning.  Since we have developed these habits, it has certainly made cleaning less of a pain than it used to be. 

Now, what will you do next to love where you live? 

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed. 

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