The Redesign Habit

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Ways to Infuse Your Personality Into a Space

Have you ever walked into a room in your home and said to yourself, “It’s beautiful and functional so why don’t I feel good when I’m in here?”  Well, a lot of times this happens because there hasn't been enough done to insert you (and by you, I mean your personality) into that particular space.  Today, I’m going to give you some ideas on different things that can help make that space in your home feel more like you.  Because usually if there is a space like this in our homes, we tend to ignore them and use them very little or sadly, sometimes, not at all.  So, let’s not waste any more time talking, let’s get started!

Ideas to Help Personalize a Room or Space:

1. Color Choices:  You can have the most gorgeous interior in a room that you’ve ever seen but if the color scheme makes you uncomfortable, you’re just not going to like it.  And sometimes, you may not even realize that color is the reason why.  I’ve said many times, you should choose color based on what you like and not what is trendy.  You are the one who has to feel good enough in that space to want to be in there and use it.  Also, this is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to add your personality to that room. 

2. Pattern: This one depends obviously on the idea that you enjoy pattern.  If you do, putting a fun pattern in a room through fabric on your window treatments to wallpaper can be just the ticket to add some of your personality to a space.

3. Hardware:  Whether on your cabinets or your doors and windows, hardware can totally be reflective of your personality.  There are so many different styles and colors available to choose from and you can really let your personality shine (pun intended!) through the hardware choices you make!

4. Artwork:  Bringing in artwork that you love and feel connected to will surely help to make a space feel more like you.  Nothing feels better than the connection you feel when you walk into a room and enjoy looking at a particular piece of art every single time you see it!  This one obviously can reflect parts of your personality and help to infuse that into your room.

5. Add Something You’ve Created:  This can be anything from throw pillow covers that you have sewn to a throw that you’ve crocheted to candles you made yourself in that candle-making class that your kids gave you for Christmas a couple of years ago.  The point to this one is quite obvious.  If you are placing some items in a room that you actually created, what better way is there to put some of your very own personality into that room?  And, in case you think you haven’t “made” anything that you could add, remember that photos you have personally taken or artwork that you personally matted and framed, or even plants that you have potted, can all apply here!

Personality Matters

It can be really interesting to walk into spaces that haven’t been personalized in any way.  They tend to feel cold…maybe even a little neglected, even if they’ve just been newly updated.  Think about a hotel room or apartment building lobby or even model homes where they really decorate them to the nines but they can’t insert the personalities of everyone who might be walking through there so they neutralize those interiors intentionally so they have a broader appeal.  In those cases, this can make perfect sense, but in our own homes, it makes no sense at all to me to have a room or sometimes more than one that doesn’t really get much use.  I promise if you use some of the above tips, you can make any space in your home feel comfortable and more…well, like you!

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

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