Storage Tips and Ideas

Aarrgh! You know the feeling. Always in rooms with plumbing. You’re in the kitchen failing to find what you need to pack a school lunch. Or you’re in the bathroom struggling to find little things like hairpins or big things like your blow dryer. Aargh! Why can’t you find what you need when you need it?

The good news is you’re not alone. The better news is I can help. Read on for assistance to help with finding things easier in those plumbing-powered rooms.

The first and most important step doesn’t cost a cent but is absolute necessary for better organizing your life. You must, must, must sort through everything and determine which items are keep and which need to go. Three piles work the best: KEEP, DONATE, TOSS. Next, further sort your “keep” pile according to how often they get used. Three new piles: DAILY, SOMETIMES, RARELY. The hard part, getting started, is over and you’re well on your way to a more organized you.

Prioritization complete, you can move on to determining the where and the how. Let’s use the bathroom as our example. Most bathrooms have some drawers and under-the-sink cabinet space. If you have a pedestal sink with neither, hold tight and we’ll address that later. Let’s start with cabinet space. Consider using storage containers within cabinets to prevent things from rolling around and getting buried in the back corner, the forever lost corner. Start filling your cabinets with rarely used items in back leaving your daily items visible and accessible. Baskets, plastic bins, plastic stacking shelves, and clear jars can be a huge help depending on what you need to stow. Place like items together for more intuitive seeking.

Follow the same process with drawers. Drawer dividers can be helpful to keep things neat. If your drawers are deep enough, use small baskets or storage containers to bring order to the space. If you lack cabinet and drawer space, consider hanging big items like blow dryers and curling irons on the back of a door to keep them out of the way and easy to reach.

Okay, pedestal folks. I haven’t forgotten you. How could I with your adorable free-standing sassy sinks? Here are some ideas just for you: add a small set of freestanding drawers in your bathroom, get shelving or cabinets made to go over your toilet, or consider adding shelves on an empty wall (maybe above a towel rack). Strategically placed baskets to hold your towels,  jars, and other pretty containers to hold smaller items like cotton balls or Q-tips can also work wonders.

Remember that all of these ideas can be used in any space in your home that needs better organization. If you can clear the clutter, you’ll feel the sense of Aarrgh! being replaced with the sense of Ahhhh.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

For more great stories and ideas please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


As the daughter of a carpenter who designed and built furniture and a mother who rearranged our living room every few months as Dean Martin crooned through the stereo, my interest in home interiors is equal parts nature and nurture.

My goal is to help you understand how much your home’s visual environment can positively impact your life and how budget-friendly it can be to transform your home. My mission to help you love where you live®.


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