The Redesign Habit

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Tips To Choose the Right Paint Color

Okay, so you’re ready to paint. Stepladder? Check. Rollers and brushes? Check. Extra help lined up? Check—thanks to the promise of post-painting wine. What’s missing here? Ahhhhh, yes, the paint. So many of us get hung up here. Choosing color to put on all those big blank walls seems daunting. Sometimes even paralyzing! Well, fear no more, friends. This blog will make selecting paint as easy as bribing your friend with that bottle of wine!

I’ve shared before how color changes depending on the lighting and other colors already in your space. So, as color changes, it can also change us. Paint is a mood creating miracle in a can. Below are some basics to keep in mind when choosing basic paint colors, so you can make smart choices to help create the perfect mood for your next redesign project.

Color Moods

Reds: The boldest of choices! Red generally is thought of as a high-energy color. It has been known to elevate energy, boost blood pressure, encourage conversation, and even increase your appetite. A great choice for your dining room and other social areas in your home. Not the best color choice for a bedroom or bath if your goal is to create a calm space to unwind from your hectic life.

Blues: Proven to be calming, but if you go too light, blue can come across as cold. Blue can help you be productive—a good choice for a home office or child’s room where homework will be tackled. Mid-shade blues can feel spa-like and relaxing. Looking to make your bathroom mellow? Go blue.

Greens: Known to be easy on the eyes, greens are often chosen for their restful, relaxing qualities. Great choices for a family room, bedroom, or bath. Anywhere you may want to be to unwind after a long day.

Yellows: Generally thought of as the cheeriest color. Yellow may be a just what you want for your kitchen. Choose a softer shade of yellow, and it can work as a warm neutral color.

Neutrals: We tend to think of these colors (whites, grays, taupes) as non-colors, but that just isn’t true. Different shades of neutrals make a space warmer and colder. They can make your rooms feel airy and spacious to almost cave-like. And don’t forget your neutrals have undertones, and adjacent colors can bring out those undertones.  So, if you’re not careful, your soft white wall might morph into a soft pink wall.

When you think color, think shades. Take a trip to your local paint store and let your imagination soar! Choosing the right shade is just as important as choosing the right color. Intensity of color is key. For example, think of the brightest green you can. Would you want that in a bedroom if your goal is a restful oasis? Now keep thinking green but dial it down to a soft sage green. Ahhhhhh….that’s more like it!

The Importance of Paint Samples

Samples! Yes, bring the desired color home (just a quart if you’re unsure and want to save money). Paint a big square on your intended wall. Observe it throughout the day. Hold pillows and other accent items near it. Stand in front of it and look at yourself in a mirror. Yes, wall color can affect your color, so choose wisely when painting your bath, bedroom, or powder room. Selecting the wrong color may have you looking corpse-like. And if that’s the look you’re going for, no judgement.

I hope these tips motivate you to go out there and choose new colors because we know that nothing will refresh and change up your space faster and less expensively than fresh paint!

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

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