The Redesign Habit

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Ways to Balance a Darker Color Scheme

A lot can be said for choosing a darker color scheme in a room. It can be dramatic and warm and sensual and sophisticated and…well, you see where I’m going. Darker can be better depending on the feel you’re trying to create. And if you choose the darker road less traveled, don’t fear that your space won’t be livable. Don’t go to that dark place. In your mind, that is. You should be aware of things you can do to bring a little balance to enjoy all the cool while maintaining the functionality every space needs. You can “have your cake and eat it, too,” or in this situation, have your dark and live in it, too!

5 Things to Balance Dark Color Choices:

1. Lighting: This is crucial. Without good lighting a dark room can feel spooky and unwelcoming. Dark spaces need good lighting, typically from multiple sources—overhead to floor and table lamps—as well as any natural light you can take advantage of.

2. Light-colored furniture: If you choose a dark color scheme for your walls, consider keeping the colors of your furniture lighter in color. Furniture takes up a lot of visual space within a room so doing this can help provide a nice visual balance.

3. Lighter flooring: Whether you choose hard surface flooring or carpets, consider going on the lighter side when making your choices. Again, floors are big and can do a lot to offset darker wall colors. Also, this will provide a nice balance to your darker colors and keep the room from feeling cave-like.

4. Mirrors: Whether it’s a large mirror or several smaller ones, placing mirrors in your room can help reflect your lighting, whether from an outside or indoor source. Mirrors are a great option to help bring some brightness into the darkest spaces.

5. Window Treatments: Choosing treatments that can be opened all the way to let in natural light can make a huge difference during the daytime. And choosing light-colored or sheer window treatments will go a long way when it comes to visually breaking up big expanses of dark-colored walls.

Design Disclosure

This blog assumes you have chosen a dark color scheme for your room. However, these five ideas apply whether you made those choices or whether they were “made for you.” You might have room at the back of your house that doesn’t get a lot of light, or maybe it’s a room that has dark wood trim and darker wood floors. Whatever the reason for the darkness, using the above ideas can help you achieve a brighter, more balanced look.

I hope this helps inspire you to maybe dare to be bold with some darker color choices and add a little drama and sophistication to a room or two in your home!

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

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