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Design/Decorating, DIY Michele Design/Decorating, DIY Michele

An Unforgettable Tool to Make Great Color Choices

Color is a love-hate thing. I know this from many years of helping people with their home’s interior. Although people love how color enhances their home and their life, many hate choosing colors due to fear. What if I pick the wrong color? What if the color in the store doesn’t look good in my home? What if the color looks weird next to other colors in the room? The fears are many, and the struggle is real. So, if you want more color in your home and life, but you struggle—even a bit—with selection, then read on. Let me share an unforgettable tool. A simple mnemonic device to make choosing colors much easier.

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Design/Decorating, DIY, Color Michele Design/Decorating, DIY, Color Michele

3 Things That Can Affect Paint Color

Have you ever chosen a paint color, one you absolutely love, and then once it’s up on the walls your love has turned to lukewarm like or downright disdain? Why? Why is this happening, you may ask yourself—especially if you already painted the entire living room the color you just knew would be perfect.

Today I’m going to share with you three things that can affect your color choice. Once you’ve learned these, you won’t ever have to suffer “painter’s remorse” again! So let’s walk through them.

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DIY Michele DIY Michele

DIY Storage Project

What do you get when you take a run-down, falling-apart, completely ugly shelving unit and apply a little TLC and DIY magic? The answer is amazing. You get an amazing solution to the common problem of needing more storage in your laundry room. Or an amazingly cute piece to create an instant mudroom space. Move over ugly duckling. It’s time for the tale of the ugly shelving.

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Design/Decorating, DIY, Lifestyle Michele Design/Decorating, DIY, Lifestyle Michele

Interior Design for Introverts and Extroverts

When we talk about designing or decorating our homes, we often talk about injecting our personality so we feel as comfortable as possible. Did you know that the way you choose to decorate and design your home can reflect whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert? Let’s break things down and explore intro v. extro interiors. The awareness may help you customize your space to better suit your inner you.

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DIY, Color, Design/Decorating Michele DIY, Color, Design/Decorating Michele

A Simple Design Trick to Help You Choose the Perfect Color Scheme

Many people get hung up when it comes to choosing a color scheme for a room they want to redesign. If you’re one of those people, you won’t be for long. In this blog ’ll share a very special trick to help you cruise when you need to choose. On the basis of that last sentence you’re probably thinking, “Michele, are you a wizard? Or a poet? Or both?” True wizard poets never reveal themselves. Let’s leave it at that.

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DIY Michele DIY Michele

Planning the Perfect Garage or Yard Sale

If you follow along, you know my other blog this week was about spring cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. Those activities often lead to the realization that we have a bunch of stuff we no longer need or use. If your stuff has grown to an embarrassingly large amount, you can blame the hoarders in your family tree (we all have them) OR turn your vice into a virtue by helping others through a garage sale. Set some low, low prices, give to others, and get rid of your stuff!

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DIY Michele DIY Michele

Spring Cleaning and Organization Tips

Yes, it’s that time of year when you feel excited to clean, clean, clean and declutter your home. I’m experiencing that right now—and I know it won’t last. There’s something very satisfying about going through your stuff, reorganizing your spaces, and cleaning everything to within an inch of its life! On the other hand, it can be a daunting proposition, so I thought I’d offer some tips and tricks to make getting the job done a little easier and more enjoyable. The tips might be most valuable when spring, and your zest for cleaning, starts to fade.

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Design/Decorating, DIY Michele Design/Decorating, DIY Michele

6 Ideas to Refresh Your Patio or Deck

Whether your weather is reflecting spring, stubborn winter, or too-soon summer, the calendar tells us spring is officially here. Now, or eventually, is the perfect time to make plans to refresh to your patio or deck space.

Just like our interior spaces in our home, our outdoor spaces can use a little update from time to time. In this post, I will give you some ideas for easy and affordable changes you can make to help make the most of your outdoor living spaces.

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DIY, Design/Decorating Michele DIY, Design/Decorating Michele

Ways to Infuse Your Personality Into a Space

Have you ever walked into a room in your home and said to yourself, “It’s beautiful and functional so why don’t I feel good when I’m in here?” Well, a lot of times, this happens because there hasn't been enough done to insert you (and by you, I mean your personality) into that particular space. Today, I’m going to give you some ideas on different things that can help make that space in your home feel more like you. Because usually if there is a space like this in our homes, we tend to ignore them and use them very little or sadly, sometimes, not at all. So, let’s not waste any more time talking, let’s get started!

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Design/Decorating, DIY Michele Design/Decorating, DIY Michele

Great Furniture Ideas for Small Spaces!

Not everyone lives in a big house with lots of square footage. You may live in a studio apartment, small condo, townhome, or even just a smaller single family home. And even if you do live in a bigger home, you may have a room or two that aren’t all that roomy (sorry, pun intended). Seven’s a lucky number so read on for seven big furniture ideas for small places.

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Design/Decorating, DIY Michele Design/Decorating, DIY Michele

Ways to Balance a Darker Color Scheme

A lot can be said for choosing a darker color scheme in a room. It can be dramatic and warm and sensual and sophisticated and…well, you see where I’m going. Darker can be better depending on the feel you’re trying to create. And if you choose the darker road less traveled, don’t fear that your space won’t be livable. Don’t go to that dark place. In your mind, that is. You should be aware of things you can do to bring a little balance to enjoy all the cool while maintaining the functionality every space needs. You can “have your cake and eat it, too,” or in this situation, have your dark and live in it, too!

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